I am developing one c# application to extract all customer data from mangento. For some reasong i need to use Magento SOAP API V1 instead of V2. I have used customer.list method to get all the customer list. But it throws error as below
{"There is an error in XML document (2, 405)."}
{"The specified type was not recognized: name='Map', namespace='http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap', at ."}
Below is the code i used in c#:
MagentoService ma = new MagentoService();
ma.Url = "http://localhost:8080/magenew/index.php/api/soap";
string sessionid = ma.login("admin", "admin123");
object tmpobj = ma.call(sessionid, "customer.list", null);
I have tried providing empty string also for the third argument for the call function but nothing helps.
Any suggetion and solution highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards
What is MagentoService ?
Dll ?
MagentoService is Object for the WebService added.
Thanks and Regards
The same problem for me:
with C# web reference in solution pointing to soap api v1, while with soap v2 works..
here some sample code with v1:
MagentoV1.MagentoService mserviceV1 = new MagentoV1.MagentoService();
mlogin = mserviceV1.login(userM, pwd);
var store = mserviceV1.call(mlogin, "catalog_category_attribute.currentStore", null);
var res = mserviceV1.call(mlogin, "magento.info", null);
store = mserviceV1.call(mlogin, "catalog_product.currentStore", null);
//mserviceV1.callAsync(mlogin, "country.list", null);
// ok until now
// but the next
var countries = mserviceV1.call(mlogin, "country.list", null);
//throws exception;
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.ToString();
I reverted to SOAP API v2 with no problems.
Then in order to retrieve the vat_id from customerAddressInfo this link helped me:
with the use of vat_id instead of taxvat.
Hope you solve too,