I need to change "Regular Price" to "Retail Price" everywhere it occurs. Home page, category page, brand page and product page. Am I right that changing this file will do that for me:
app/design/frontend/enterprise/[our template]/template/catalog/product/price.phtml
It occurs in 4 places in this file.
Thanks for your help.
You can translate that words using inline translation . checkout below links
Yes, you can change the “Regular price” label from price.phtml file but you should make sure that no changes should be done in core file, because in case of upgradation, changes made in core file will be overwrite. You should extend the file and update it
Translation can also be done in following ways-
1.For updating through csv, you can navigate through the directory app/design/frontend/default/themexxx/locale/languagecode_COUNTRYCODE. For example, if your store name en_US, you have to navigate to the directory app/locale/en_US/Mage_Catalog.csv and update the csv.
2. For inline translation -
Go to admin panel, navigate to system -> configuration
Then scroll down and locate the Developer tab under Advanced section
At displayed screen, click Translate inline tab to open inline translations
Set the “Enabled for Frontend” option to “Yes” and click Save Config
Now that the Translate Inline is enabled, navigate to your store front-end and refresh the page – some red frames appear across different sections on your site
Hover the red frame and edit the text.