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Order data is coming null in admin event observer

Order data is coming null in admin event observer

I am writing a observer when admin changes the order status. i used "sales_order_save_after"  and "sales_order_save_commit_after". with these two event observers iam getting order object data null.

$data = $observer->getEvent()->getData(); here in $data object order data is coming empty... Can you please help me out in solving this issue.


in config.xml





in Observer.php

public function orderStatusChangeEvent(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {

Mage::log("order status change by admin", null, 'eventAnalytics.log',true);
$order = $observer->getEvent()->getData();
$order_content = json_encode($order);
$current_time = time();
Mage::getModel('core/log_adapter', 'eventAnalytics.log')->log($order_content);


giving output like follows:




Re: Order data is coming null in admin event observer



Use this Event Observer: sales_order_place_after

You will start getting the data.

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Re: Order data is coming null in admin event observer

Your observer is configured correct, however you can't get what you want from json_encode, $order has to public vars, json_encode will always return {} unless you convert it to array or impelement JsonSerializable, you can try

