I'm using PayPal Express and have an issue where the order is created but the customer e-mail address is not populated in Magento. This means that the customer does not get the order e-mail.
Initially I used the fix outlined here: http://www.magthemes.com/magento-blog/paypal-express-checkout-sending-order-emails-guests-magento-16...
This seemed to work for a while. However, since I've added a new website, store & store view it is now not working for either.
In additional, I have tried to add code to log what is happening in the place function inside app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Model/Express/Checkout.php, but nothing is logged. It's as if having multiple stores makes it use some different method. (Logging does work correctly if I place it in e.g. index.php.)
Another thing to point out is that I can actually see my e-mail address when on the review page, so it is coming back from PayPal - but for some reason is not being stored in the customer details.
Any help on this would be much appreciated!