Don't know if anyone with Magento 3D secure experience can help but we are using PayPal Pro with Cardinal Commerce 3D Secure and have their iFrame running in a pop-up box as we are using a onepage checkout and going to another page for 3D secure doesn't make sense.
Cardinal Commerce say (and my experience using other sites) that the 3D secure 'Submit' button should conclude the transaction and take the customer to the order success page but in our case the 'Submit' is closing the pop-up on successful verification but then requiring the customer to press the 'submit order' button again to place the order?
Cardinal Commerce have asked us to check what they call the termURL in the code that tells the bank where to post the cardholder back to which in our case should be the order success page but as the PayPal Pro/3D Secure is core Magento not an extension we are struggling where to find such information
Many thanks,
I have understood very little of your question. But then, when I saw the below given video (enterprise edition) the process of 3d secure is carried out in the next page.
May be I am missing something basic..
Thanks for your reply. Magento Community is not working as per the Enterprise video. The video behaviour is what we want but we are getting 3D secure before the order review and place order? Just after credit card details are entered and then on to order review.
Enter Credit Card Details ->3D Secure Submit -> Order Review -> Place Order -> Order Confirmation
We want customer to enater all address & payment details, place order and the last thing they do is verify 3D secure details and 'Submit' on the 3D iFrame window confirms the sale and takes the customer to the order confirmation page.
Enter Credit Card Details -> Order Review -> Place Order -> 3D Secure -> Order Confirmation
Hope this clarifys.