I have added my first downloadable product yesterday and while i was uploading the product files, this error (SSL Error: Invalid or self-signed certificate ) appears to me and stopped me from uploading the product files, i have tried again but i could not upload too, any Help ?
Do you have a valid SSL certificate installed for your site? If you're using a self-signed one, try using Chrome instead of Firefox and accept and proceed when it warns about the security issue.
Another option if you do not need / have an SSL certificate is to set Magento to not use SSL in the admin section:
System -> Configuration -> Web -> "Secure" (Use Secure URLs in Admin -> No)
Thanks Robfico,
I don't have SSL cerification and i already set the Use Secure URLs in Admin -> No from the begining, but it was my first downloadable product to be added sine 2 days.
any other suggesion, solution .....
Only other things I can think of are:
1. Verify that all unsecure URLs do not have an accidental "https://" prefix.
2. Change all secure URLs to use "http://" instead of https.
3. Clear Magento cache just in case a bad setting was cached somewhere.
4. Maybe you have an extension or custom code that is defaulting to https for some reason?
Thanks robfico for reply but i did all of these steps and no change , the same error any other advice
Check this solution: magento.stackexchange.com/a/76146/1916
I had something similar to this last week, our client was trying to upload files to Magento which were stored on another computer on an internal network rather than from their computer.
Downloading the files to their machine and then uploading from their computer fixed the issue.
Are you using Firefox? I only have this problem with Firefox but can upload fine using Chrome.