Hello, i"ve been working on a custom module and i'm kind of stuck right now, basically when the module is installed it generates a token in the database and i would like to show the user that token in the config page.
here is my system.xml part that shows the field
<fields> <token_message> <label>Token</label> <frontend_type>text</frontend_type> <source_model> vendoflux/token </source_model> <sort_order>1</sort_order> <show_in_default>1</show_in_default> <show_in_website>1</show_in_website> <show_in_store>1</show_in_store> </token_message> </fields>
i tried to send random data with the toOptionarray() function in my /model/token.php file but doesnt seem to work, any help would be appreciatedpublic function toOptionArray()
{ return array( array('value'=>1, 'label'=>Mage::helper('vendoflux')->__('Hello')), ); }
hi @mehdiG5
If you generating the code on installer script you can set values for configuration
$installer->setConfigData('tabsection/group/token_message','//you token values');
or do it directly
Mage::getConfig()->saveConfig('tabsection/group/token_message', '//you token values', 'default', 0);