I want to know which function is using for tax calculation from backend order creation. I have tried in many ways but I can't find the function.
This is going to be using magento's tax rates system. So if you want to change the rates that are being charged, best to check the admin area configuration: http://docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/tax/tax-zones-rates.html
Should you need to look into the actual code for tax (best avoided if possible!), this is a good file to start with https://github.com/OpenMage/magento-mirror/blob/magento-1.9/app/code/core/Mage/Tax/Model/Calculation...
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your reply. I have tested with calculation file but I didn't get any result.
My question is where the are calculating for tax total amount only for backend & I know the functionality for frontend. I just want to add custom amount with total tax amount depend of payment method selection.
I just want to add custom amount with total tax amount depend of payment method selection.
Can you expand on to provide detailed information about what you are trying to achieve and why please? This will help us to get a better idea for what you're trying to do and what the best way of approaching it will be.
I wouldn't describe adding dynamic amounts to tax totals a simple task. Could the same thing be achieved by adding a surcharge rather than a tax?
I want to know how the tax calculation is working or I want to add cash on delivery tax amount with tax. Please refer the this screenshot to know about COD details.
Please let me know.