After transferring over using cart2cart, a bunch of duplicate tax rates/rules were copied over to the magento site because of a couple demo migrations before the real one.
so I removed the rules that were created, and now there are none. But there are still a bunch of duplicate tax rate. I thought since I got rid of the tax rules I would be able to delete the tax rates.
However when I try to delete any of them I get the error message "Tax rate cannot be removed. It exists in tax rule"
But there are no tax rules.. What am I missing?
using phpmyadmin i confirmed that there are no rules left, however I checked out the table "tax_calculation" and I see that the "tax_calculation_rate_id" column is populated with items that I am trying to delete from the tax rates.
Is this what is causing me issues? Where is this table popluated from in the admin of magento? Seems to me that this table should be empty as well since the rules are empty?
Did you ever get this solved? I am having the same issue!