Hi All,
My magento ver: 1.9. I want to chagne color of discount price in cart total grid. I am using coupon for discount.
Any one let me know which template or controller is responsible to get below balue of discount coupon.
<?php echo $this->helper('checkout')->formatPrice($this->getTotal()->getValue()) ?>
rewrite Mage_Tax_Block_Checkout_Discount, redefine protected $_template to your own tempalte (you can copy tax/checkout/subtotal.phtml to your own template) and change style in that tempalte
We added a css in /checkout/total/default.phtml:
<td style="<?php echo $this->getTotal()->getStyle() ?>" class="a-right">
<td style="<?php echo $this->getTotal()->getStyle() ?>" class="a-right discount_price">
Avoid Coding Use Extension named "Magento Color Swatches Plus Size Grid View" and choose multiple colors.
Look at this Image
And find this extension here https://codecanyon.net/item/magento-color-swatches-plus-size-grid-view/11294675