Hello All!
Im currently stuck on how to achieve ( I think for the most ones a very simple thing )
I want to add custom html code to the current magento files, I have added a screenshot below.
Any help really is appreciated
@marcis You can create either static block Or CMS page for this then call that block / CMS page from your template file.
Call CMS page: $page = Mage::getModel('cms/page')->load('<page name>','identifier'); echo $page->getContent();
Static Block : <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block') >setBlockId('<block_identifier>')->toHtml(); ?>
Hi GMehta!
First of all thanks for your help!! The problem I have is when I add a custom cms block,
and put the code between here:
class="<?php if($_link->getIsFirst()): ?>first"CODEHERE"<?php endif;| ?><?php if ($_link->getIsLast()): ?>last"ORHERE"<?php endif; ?>
I see a image coming then, but the problem is for this 2 links then it takes the same image, I need to put a seperate one for both.
@marcis Not getting you, can you elaborate
Hi GMetha!
Again thanks, for digging into it. Here a new screenshot from the thing I want to create, In element inspector I can achieve it, but not directly through magento HTML code. I have uploaded the whole code from the page that I think that does the action.