Hi there, I'm trying to get a postback working upon customer conversions when they were referred to my Magento site by HasOffers. The source then requires one/some of the variables it sent in the referral back upon a successful conversion (in this case, when the customer reaches the "thanks for paying" page).
HasOffers related documentation is visible at http://support.hasoffers.com/hc/en-us/articles/203338487-Postback-tracking
My question: how can I store the information passed in by HasOffers? It appears to come in in GET params; am I lucky enough that Magento is smart enough to store unrecognized GET params in the session? Am I going to have to hack it to do so and then get them back out for the postback on the success page? Or is there something else I haven't thought of?
We're working with another party with HasOffers which requires the use of the postback, so the (theoretically) simpler tracking pixel solution will not work in this case.