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the order confirmation email is not sent

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the order confirmation email is not sent



how to enable the "order confirmation email" and able to be sent to the customer email?

The email was sent before, but somehow the order is not sent by email anymore. The "Order" and "Order Comments" setting in the System->Configuration->Sale Emails are Enabled.

Where can this go wroing?


Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Hi Loppus


If you recently upgradet til 1.9.1.x or 1.14.1.x, you have properly been affected by the change making email's a "background process" using the Magento crontab system. If you haven't already you need to setup the Magento cronjob.


You can checkout this guide on how to setup the Magento cronjob.


If this is not the case, you can check the database table:




The emails that should have been send should be in this queue, if not you should check your system configuration again, and maybe check on the store view your orders are from, to make sure the setting is not different there :-)


If the emails are there and have a date in the column processed at. You should check your Servers email log, since the reciver might be rejecting your emails, If its on a linux machine, its usually found in /var/log/mail.log . You can use the following command to search the log.


grep -i "REPLACE WITH EMAIL TO SEARCH FOR" /var/log/mail.log


Hope this helps :-)

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Three days were spent investigating and addressing those hiccups, and I can now share my newly found knowledge of the possible problems arising from updating Magento to 1.9.

First of all, Magento 1.9+ relies completely on cron jobs to send transactional emails. If you didn’t have cron jobs set up properly before, you are going to have to do it now.

First of all make sure you have set up cron tasks in the Magento admin under System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cron. The default settings are:

Generate Schedules Every 15
Schedule Ahead for 20
Missed if Not Run Within 15
History Cleanup Every 10
Success History Lifetime 60
Failure History Lifetime 600

There are people suggesting these settings should be changed, but since they can’t seem to agree on the best combination, I’d rather leave it as it is.

You then need to go into your hosting control panel and set up cron jobs. In cPanel it’s under Advanced > Cron Jobs. Set them up to run every five minutes and use this command:

php -f /home/username/public_html/cron.php

Check that the above path is correct and that the file cron.php is actually there in the root of your Magento installation (if you’ve just upgraded, it should be). Change username to the correct account.

Now, I initially made the mistake of following the advice of the developers at who say to use a wget command string:
wget -O /dev/null -q

This did not work for me at all, whereas the php command did, so my advice is: stick with that.

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Hi, I am having the same issue of Email not sent. I am using hostgator and hence using 1.8 version. Will this affect? I have not install any batch till now Smiley Tongue

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Just make a small change in order.php


First, create one directory structure on the path below, then copy and paste the file to the path below.


Now, change from





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Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

after follow this magento admin show fatal error in order.php

so don't use it

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

thanks sir,

working fine.

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Which option naseem786 was working fine with you ?

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

Could you mind help me more, in core_email_queue nothing there
I delete before all pending data like pending emails was not sent

But still no email go out.

I have an error in PHP cronies file in line 40 and 41, SCRIPT FILE NAME
and I'm not able to solve it, more than week gone with confused brain.

Re: the order confirmation email is not sent

thank you very much..helpful