Hi there
My client has a link on another website and he'd like to track if any orders come via the link on this website - does anyone know of an extension that would do this or failing that, how to make this happen?
thanks in advance.
Hi @adamhw,
Are you talking about the refrence link or direct order?
I mean, A customer comes from the other website for making purchase? Or you get direct order from the other website?
hi there
thanks for the response - I'm talking about the reference link (a customer comes from another webiste for making purchase)
Need to find a way to track that order so that admin will know where (which website) the buyer originated from.
Can you tell me if the customers come direct on product page or on the homepage?
thanks - they'll come directly on to the home page.
check Mage::helper('core')->getHttpReferer() in a 'controller_action_predispatch' observer, if its anexternal link, save to session/cookie, and in 'sales_model_service_quote_submit_before' and 'checkout_submit_all_after' observer, check if there is extnernal link in session then set to ext_customer_id of order table or a custom column you created.
you can developed an extension for your functionality and code something like this:
In refrence site where you give additional parameter to the link and trace the parameter which will give you the identity from where the customers come.
It seems there is some coding work required. To just give you some idea, php variable called $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . Using this Set Cokkie OR session on Magento, Create New Field in the sales_quote to store that value. Using this you will able to get the report how many order coming from external site
Did he implement any affiliate functionality on the site, check out this module and suggest to him. This will allow you to setup and track everything;