i am using ajax add to cart extension to add cart to my products. the problem is when i delete a product from my sidebar cart block there is a confirmation dialogue whether to delete or cancel deletion process, when i opt to choose OK to delete it deletes the product from my sidebar and when i opt CANCEL to not to delete it again deletes the product from my cart.
here is my javascript :
function show_confirm() { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); if (r==true) { return true; } else { $(document).click(function() {ajaxCartSubmit.abort() }); } }
and this is my ajaxcart.js
var ajaxcart = { g: new Growler(), initialize: function() { this.g = new Growler(); this.bindEvents(); }, bindEvents: function () { this.addSubmitEvent(); $$('a[href*="/checkout/cart/delete/"]').each(function(e){ $(e).observe('click', function(event){ setLocation($(e).readAttribute('href')); Event.stop(event); }); }); }, ajaxCartSubmit: function (obj) { var _this = this; if(Modalbox !== 'undefined' && Modalbox.initialized)Modalbox.hide(); try { if(typeof obj == 'string') { var url = obj; new Ajax.Request(url, { onCreate : function() { _this.g.warn("Processing", { life: 5 }); }, onSuccess : function(response) { // Handle the response content... try{ var res = response.responseText.evalJSON(); if(res) { //check for group product's option if(res.configurable_options_block) { if(res.r == 'success') { //show group product options block _this.showPopup(res.configurable_options_block); } else { if(typeof res.messages != 'undefined') { _this.showError(res.messages); } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } } else { if(res.r == 'success') { if(res.message) { _this.showSuccess(res.message); } else { _this.showSuccess('Item was added into cart.'); } //update all blocks here _this.updateBlocks(res.update_blocks); } else { if(typeof res.messages != 'undefined') { _this.showError(res.messages); } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } } } else { document.location.reload(true); } } catch(e) { //window.location.href = url; //document.location.reload(true); } } }); } else { if(typeof obj.form.down('input[type=file]') != 'undefined') { //use iframe obj.form.insert('<iframe id="upload_target" name="upload_target" src="" style="width:0;height:0;border:0px solid #fff;"></iframe>'); var iframe = $('upload_target'); iframe.observe('load', function(){ // Handle the response content... try{ var doc = iframe.contentDocument ? iframe.contentDocument : (iframe.contentWindow.document || iframe.document); console.log(doc); var res = doc.body.innerText ? doc.body.innerText : doc.body.textContent; res = res.evalJSON(); if(res) { if(res.r == 'success') { if(res.message) { _this.showSuccess(res.message); } else { _this.showSuccess('Item was added into cart.'); } //update all blocks here _this.updateBlocks(res.update_blocks); } else { if(typeof res.messages != 'undefined') { _this.showError(res.messages); } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } }); obj.form.target = 'upload_target'; //show loading _this.g.warn("Processing", { life: 5 }); obj.form.submit(); return true; } else { //use ajax var url = obj.form.action, data = obj.form.serialize(); new Ajax.Request(url, { method : 'post', postBody : data, onCreate : function() { _this.g.warn("Processing", { life: 5 }); }, onSuccess : function(response) { // Handle the response content... try{ var res = response.responseText.evalJSON(); if(res) { if(res.r == 'success') { if(res.message) { _this.showSuccess(res.message); } else { _this.showSuccess('Item was added into cart.'); } //update all blocks here _this.updateBlocks(res.update_blocks); } else { if(typeof res.messages != 'undefined') { _this.showError(res.messages); } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } }); } } } catch(e) { console.log(e); if(typeof obj == 'string') { window.location.href = obj; } else { document.location.reload(true); } } }, getConfigurableOptions: function(url) { var _this = this; new Ajax.Request(url, { onCreate : function() { _this.g.warn("Processing", { life: 5 }); }, onSuccess : function(response) { // Handle the response content... try{ var res = response.responseText.evalJSON(); if(res) { if(res.r == 'success') { //show configurable options popup _this.showPopup(res.configurable_options_block); } else { if(typeof res.messages != 'undefined') { _this.showError(res.messages); } else { _this.showError("Something bad happened"); } } } else { document.location.reload(true); } } catch(e) { window.location.href = url; //document.location.reload(true); } } }); }, showSuccess: function(message) { this.g.info(message, { life: 5 }); }, showError: function (error) { var _this = this; if(typeof error == 'string') { _this.g.error(error, { life: 5 }); } else { error.each(function(message){ _this.g.error(message, { life: 5 }); }); } }, addSubmitEvent: function () { if(typeof productAddToCartForm != 'undefined') { var _this = this; productAddToCartForm.submit = function(url){ if(this.validator && this.validator.validate()){ _this.ajaxCartSubmit(this); } return false; } productAddToCartForm.form.onsubmit = function() { productAddToCartForm.submit(); return false; }; } }, updateBlocks: function(blocks) { var _this = this; if(blocks) { try{ blocks.each(function(block){ if(block.key) { var dom_selector = block.key; if($$(dom_selector)) { $$(dom_selector).each(function(e){ $(e).update(block.value); }); } } }); _this.bindEvents(); _this.bindNewEvents(); // show details tooltip truncateOptions(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } }, bindNewEvents: function() { // ============================================= // Skip Links (for Magento 1.9) // ============================================= // Avoid PrototypeJS conflicts, assign jQuery to $j instead of $ if (typeof(jQuery) != undefined) { var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); var skipContents = $j('.skip-content'); var skipLinks = $j('.skip-link'); if (typeof(skipContents) != undefined && typeof(skipLinks) != undefined) { skipLinks.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = $j(this); var target = self.attr('href'); // Get target element var elem = $j(target); // Check if stub is open var isSkipContentOpen = elem.hasClass('skip-active') ? 1 : 0; // Hide all stubs skipLinks.removeClass('skip-active'); skipContents.removeClass('skip-active'); // Toggle stubs if (isSkipContentOpen) { self.removeClass('skip-active'); } else { self.addClass('skip-active'); elem.addClass('skip-active'); } }); $j('#header-cart').on('click', '.skip-link-close', function(e) { var parent = $j(this).parents('.skip-content'); var link = parent.siblings('.skip-link'); parent.removeClass('skip-active'); link.removeClass('skip-active'); e.preventDefault(); }); } } }, showPopup: function(block) { try { var _this = this; //$$('body')[0].insert({bottom: new Element('div', {id: 'modalboxOptions'}).update(block)}); var element = new Element('div', { id: 'modalboxOptions', class: 'product-view' }).update(block); var viewport = document.viewport.getDimensions(); Modalbox.show(element, { title: 'Please Select Options', width: 510, height: viewport.height, afterLoad: function() { _this.extractScripts(block); _this.bindEvents(); } }); } catch(e) { console.log(e) } }, extractScripts: function(strings) { var scripts = strings.extractScripts(); scripts.each(function(script){ try { eval(script.replace(/var /gi, "")); } catch(e){ console.log(e); } }); } }; var oldSetLocation = setLocation; var setLocation = (function() { return function(url){ if( url.search('checkout/cart/add') != -1 ) { //its simple/group/downloadable product ajaxcart.ajaxCartSubmit(url); } else if( url.search('checkout/cart/delete') != -1 ) { ajaxcart.ajaxCartSubmit(url); } else if( url.search('options=cart') != -1 ) { //its configurable/bundle product url += '&ajax=true'; ajaxcart.getConfigurableOptions(url); } else { oldSetLocation(url); } }; })(); setPLocation = setLocation; document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { ajaxcart.initialize(); })
Solved! Go to Solution.
OK, that simi worked, we still need the return false;
function show_confirm() { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); if (r==true) { return true; } else { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } }
in the else block if the confirm, you binded a click listener but not executing it, it shouod be simply
I don't see where you call
I guess its in the _g.warn(), could't you call it before the ajax get executed at all, and only run the ajax when user click yes?
i am calling my javacript function onclick event in the checkout/cart/sidebar/default.phtml
<div class="product-details"> <a href="<?php echo $this->getDeleteUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Remove This Item') ?>" onclick="return show_confirm()" class="btn-remove"><?php echo $this->__('Remove This Item') ?></a>
i have also tried the ajaxCartSubmit.abort();
but it is also not working.
can u please elaborate it.. ? where should i stop the ajax call before getting executed.. inside my ajaxcart.js ?
simply return false in else
i have already tried return false, but actually nothing works, when i click the cancel button it simply removes the product instead of cancelling the deletion,
function show_confirm() { var r=confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); if (r==true) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function show_confirm() { return confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); }
above none of them works for me .. !!
so i tried replacing return false with ajax.stop(); it didnt work either ..
please give me other solution if u have..
OK, try this
function show_confirm() { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); if (r==true) { return true; } else { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }
sorry, didnt worked
it threw an exception page with
{"message":"Item was Successfully removed.","update_blocks":[{"key":".minicart-panel","value":"<div class=\"block block-cart\">\n <div class=\"block-title\">\n <strong><span>My Basket<\/span><\/strong>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"block-content\">\n <p class=\"empty\">Empty basket? <br> Add something to your basket.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n"},{"key":".links","value":" <ul class=\"links\">\n <li class=\"first\" ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/customer\/account\/?___SID=U\" title=\"My Account\" >My Account<\/a> \n <\/li>\n \n <li ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/wishlist\/?___SID=U\" title=\"My Wishlist\" >My Wishlist<\/a><\/li>\r\n \n <li id=\"minicart\">\n <div id=\"minicart-link\">\n <a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/checkout\/cart\/?___SID=U\">My Basket: <span class=\"price\">Rs.0.00<\/span><\/a> <\/div>\n <div id=\"minicart-panel\" style=\"display:none;\">\n <div class=\"block block-cart\">\n <div class=\"block-title\">\n <strong><span>My Basket<\/span><\/strong>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"block-content\">\n <p class=\"empty\">Empty basket? <br> Add something to your basket.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/li> \n <li class=\" last\" ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/customer\/account\/login\/?___SID=U\" title=\"Quick Log In\" >Quick Log In<\/a> \n <\/li>\n \n <\/ul>\n \n<!--\n<ul class=\"links\">\n <li class=\"first\" ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/customer\/account\/?___SID=U\" title=\"My Account\" >My Account<\/a> \n <\/li>\n <li ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/wishlist\/?___SID=U\" title=\"My Wishlist\" >My Wishlist<\/a><\/li>\r\n <li id=\"minicart\">\n <div id=\"minicart-link\">\n <a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/checkout\/cart\/?___SID=U\">My Basket: <span class=\"price\">Rs.0.00<\/span><\/a> <\/div>\n <div id=\"minicart-panel\" style=\"display:none;\">\n <div class=\"block block-cart\">\n <div class=\"block-title\">\n <strong><span>My Basket<\/span><\/strong>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"block-content\">\n <p class=\"empty\">Empty basket? <br> Add something to your basket.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/li> <li class=\" last\" ><a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/customer\/account\/login\/?___SID=U\" title=\"Quick Log In\" >Quick Log In<\/a> \n <\/li>\n <\/ul>\n -->"},{"key":".checkout-cart-index .cart","value":"<div class=\"page-title\">\n <h1>Shopping Cart is Empty<\/h1>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\"cart-empty\">\n <p>You have no items in your shopping cart.<\/p>\n <p>Click <a href=\"http:\/\/shopturant.com\/?___SID=U\">here<\/a> to continue shopping.<\/p>\n <\/div>\n"}],"r":"success"}
OK, that simi worked, we still need the return false;
function show_confirm() { var r = confirm("Are you sure you want to do this? This is totally hazardous!"); if (r==true) { return true; } else { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } }
thanks that worked like a charm !!