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why $items=$this->getQuoteItems(); is empty in adminhtml place new order

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why $items=$this->getQuoteItems(); is empty in adminhtml place new order

HI there,


I just created back end adminhtml ->create order when i plane to sent email procut list 

$items=$this->getQuoteItems(); is empty and empty email with  bill and shipping details are send  to customers. with out items.


Total_qty_items = 1;


 protected '_items' => null


  protected '_eventPrefix' => string 'sales_order' (length=11)
  protected '_eventObject' => string 'order' (length=5)
  protected '_addresses' => null
  protected '_items' => null
  protected '_payments' => null
  protected '_statusHistory' => null
  protected '_invoices' => null
  protected '_tracks' => null
  protected '_shipments' => null
  protected '_creditmemos' => null
  protected '_relatedObjects' => 
    array (size=0)
  protected '_orderCurrency' => null
  protected '_baseCurrency' => null
  protected '_actionFlag' => 
    array (size=0)
  protected '_canSendNewEmailFlag' => boolean true
  protected '_historyEntityName' => string 'order' (length=5)
  protected '_resourceName' => string 'sales/order' (length=11)
  protected '_resource' => null
  protected '_resourceCollectionName' => string 'sales/order_collection' (length=22)
  protected '_cacheTag' => boolean false
  protected '_dataSaveAllowed' => boolean true
  protected '_isObjectNew' => null
  protected '_data' => 
    array (size=153)
      'entity_id' => string '155' (length=3)
      'state' => string 'new' (length=3)
      'status' => string 'pending' (length=7)
      'coupon_code' => null
      'protect_code' => string '3a4752' (length=6)
      'shipping_description' => string 'Seller Rate - Shipping Amount' (length=29)
      'is_virtual' => string '0' (length=1)
      'store_id' => string '1' (length=1)
      'customer_id' => string '60' (length=2)
      'base_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_discount_canceled' => null
      'base_discount_invoiced' => null
      'base_discount_refunded' => null
      'base_grand_total' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'base_shipping_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_shipping_canceled' => null
      'base_shipping_invoiced' => null
      'base_shipping_refunded' => null
      'base_shipping_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_shipping_tax_refunded' => null
      'base_subtotal' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'base_subtotal_canceled' => null
      'base_subtotal_invoiced' => null
      'base_subtotal_refunded' => null
      'base_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_tax_canceled' => null
      'base_tax_invoiced' => null
      'base_tax_refunded' => null
      'base_to_global_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
      'base_to_order_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
      'base_total_canceled' => null
      'base_total_invoiced' => null
      'base_total_invoiced_cost' => null
      'base_total_offline_refunded' => null
      'base_total_online_refunded' => null
      'base_total_paid' => null
      'base_total_qty_ordered' => null
      'base_total_refunded' => null
      'discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'discount_canceled' => null
      'discount_invoiced' => null
      'discount_refunded' => null
      'grand_total' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'shipping_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'shipping_canceled' => null
      'shipping_invoiced' => null
      'shipping_refunded' => null
      'shipping_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'shipping_tax_refunded' => null
      'store_to_base_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
      'store_to_order_rate' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
      'subtotal' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'subtotal_canceled' => null
      'subtotal_invoiced' => null
      'subtotal_refunded' => null
      'tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'tax_canceled' => null
      'tax_invoiced' => null
      'tax_refunded' => null
      'total_canceled' => null
      'total_invoiced' => null
      'total_offline_refunded' => null
      'total_online_refunded' => null
      'total_paid' => null
      'total_qty_ordered' => string '1.0000' (length=6)
      'total_refunded' => null
      'can_ship_partially' => null
      'can_ship_partially_item' => null
      'customer_is_guest' => string '0' (length=1)
      'customer_note_notify' => string '0' (length=1)
      'billing_address_id' => string '301' (length=3)
      'customer_group_id' => string '1' (length=1)
      'edit_increment' => null
      'email_sent' => null
      'forced_shipment_with_invoice' => null
      'payment_auth_expiration' => null
      'quote_address_id' => null
      'quote_id' => string '3357' (length=4)
      'shipping_address_id' => string '302' (length=3)
      'adjustment_negative' => null
      'adjustment_positive' => null
      'base_adjustment_negative' => null
      'base_adjustment_positive' => null
      'base_shipping_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_subtotal_incl_tax' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'base_total_due' => null
      'payment_authorization_amount' => null
      'shipping_discount_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'subtotal_incl_tax' => string '32.0000' (length=7)
      'total_due' => null
      'weight' => string '1000.0000' (length=9)
      'customer_dob' => null
      'increment_id' => string '100000157' (length=9)
      'applied_rule_ids' => null
      'base_currency_code' => string 'INR' (length=3)
      'customer_email' => string '' (length=23)
      'customer_firstname' => string 'Manjunath kv' (length=12)
      'customer_lastname' => string 'kv' (length=2)
      'customer_middlename' => null
      'customer_prefix' => null
      'customer_suffix' => null
      'customer_taxvat' => null
      'discount_description' => null
      'ext_customer_id' => null
      'ext_order_id' => null
      'global_currency_code' => string 'INR' (length=3)
      'hold_before_state' => null
      'hold_before_status' => null
      'order_currency_code' => string 'INR' (length=3)
      'original_increment_id' => null
      'relation_child_id' => null
      'relation_child_real_id' => null
      'relation_parent_id' => null
      'relation_parent_real_id' => null
      'remote_ip' => null
      'shipping_method' => string 'seller_shipping_seller_rate' (length=27)
      'store_currency_code' => string 'INR' (length=3)
      'store_name' => string 'Main Website
Main Website Store
Default Store View' (length=50)
      'x_forwarded_for' => null
      'customer_note' => null
      'created_at' => string '2015-10-06 12:01:16' (length=19)
      'updated_at' => string '2015-10-06 12:01:16' (length=19)
      'total_item_count' => string '1' (length=1)
      'customer_gender' => null
      'hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
      'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => string '0.0000' (length=6)
string '168' (length=3)


  protected '_eventPrefix' => string 'sales_order' (length=11)
  protected '_eventObject' => string 'order' (length=5)
  protected '_addresses' => null
  protected '_items' => null
  protected '_payments' => null
  protected '_statusHistory' => null
  protected '_invoices' => null
  protected '_tracks' => null
  protected '_shipments' => null
  protected '_creditmemos' => null
  protected '_relatedObjects' => 
    array (size=0)
  protected '_orderCurrency' => null
  protected '_baseCurrency' => null
  protected '_actionFlag' => 
    array (size=0)
  protected '_canSendNewEmailFlag' => boolean true
  protected '_historyEntityName' => string 'order' (length=5)
  protected '_resourceName' => string 'sales/order' (length=11)
  protected '_resource' => null
  protected '_resourceCollectionName' => string 'sales/order_collection' (length=22)
  protected '_cacheTag' => boolean false
  protected '_dataSaveAllowed' => boolean true
  protected '_isObjectNew' => null
  protected '_data' => 
    array (size=0)
  protected '_hasDataChanges' => boolean false
  protected '_origData' => null
  protected '_idFieldName' => null
  protected '_isDeleted' => boolean false
  protected '_oldFieldsMap' => 
    array (size=3)
      'payment_authorization_expiration' => string 'payment_auth_expiration' (length=23)
      'forced_do_shipment_with_invoice' => string 'forced_shipment_with_invoice' (length=28)
      'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => string 'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' (length=29)
  protected '_syncFieldsMap' => 
    array (size=6)
      'payment_authorization_expiration' => string 'payment_auth_expiration' (length=23)
      'forced_do_shipment_with_invoice' => string 'forced_shipment_with_invoice' (length=28)
      'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount' => string 'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' (length=29)
      'payment_auth_expiration' => string 'payment_authorization_expiration' (length=32)
      'forced_shipment_with_invoice' => string 'forced_do_shipment_with_invoice' (length=31)
      'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt' => string 'base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount' (length=31)

Seller Name 	Product Name 	Sku 	Price (Incl Tax) 	Qty 	Total

when frentend order palce time email not sent to customers its showing in admin palenl 

Order # 100000159 (the order confirmation email is not sent)



Accepted Solutions

Re: why $items=$this->getQuoteItems(); is empty in adminhtml place new order

Once the order is placed it is no longer a quote. You need to use $order->getAllVisibleItems(); instead

Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution! | Magento Small Business Partner

View solution in original post


Re: why $items=$this->getQuoteItems(); is empty in adminhtml place new order

Once the order is placed it is no longer a quote. You need to use $order->getAllVisibleItems(); instead

Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution! | Magento Small Business Partner