I am applying the patch using .SH script. Would normally use the ZIP option as this is quicker and far less hassle, however that option isn't available to us anymore.
I am downloading the script. Running the command as outline, I am getting the following result:
sh PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh
PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 14: PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 127: not found
PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 14: PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 127: not found
PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 25: PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1-2017-05-25-09-03-28.sh: 0: not found
Checking if patch can be applied/reverted successfully...
Patch was applied/reverted successfully.
We have tried to revert the patch however the version at the bottom of the website is now showing as:
Magento ver. PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1.sh v1, PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1.sh v1, PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1.sh v1, PATCH_SUPEE-9767_CE_1.9.3.2_v1.sh v1
Any advice please?