since some days our websites (multishop installation) have some serious performance problems. No patches, no modules were installed for a longer time.
Adding products to cart is extremly slow if a user is logged in. If you are not logged in, everything runs fast.
Same issues for logedin customers on the checkout page. If a customer calls the page checkout, everything loads fine, but the ajax call is extremly slow. (127 seconds for saving the order) Changing the address => 127 seconds to wait till ajax call returns OK
Same issue in the backend when generating an order and checking for the available shipments.
I turned on the profiler to see what happens
Everything is fine (Time < 0.2) except
Code Profiler Time Cnt Emalloc RealMem
mage 127.7308 1 0 0
mage::dispatch::routers_match 127.6751 1 0 0
mage::dispatch::controller::action::checkout_cart_index 127.6535 1 0 0
Magento is an old and has been up since years without problems.
What I have done so far without performance benefits:
Cleared the cache /var/cache
Truncated logging db tables
Deleted all rows in quotes tables older than 4 days.
Anyone out there who may point me to the right direction ?
Thanks in advance