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Admin panel is Grey

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Admin panel is Grey

Hello, I need some help 


Our Backend is Grey "" i can not Press anything 

i have followed the others post that had same problem without any luck, yesterday i did a update on a lot of our extension, And when i pressed return to admin from the downloader its just a Grey Background with the header I have tried to Clean all Sessions and chase i have any luck at all JavaScript with no luck I run the website on a CentOS Ver. 7 and a Magento  ver.



After login



And this is our extension this is the only page i got access to right now 



Re: Admin panel is Grey

Hi @Daniel_Dampshop


Could you update your question with the content of var/log/system.log and var/log/exception.log files?

Remember not to update the extension directly using the connect manager it is not a good practice. You may have modified the existing files of the extensions so this way the files will be overwritten.

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Re: Admin panel is Grey


It seems some of the extension have some error. Go to to your log file(Var/log/system.log) or latest report file(var/report/) and see what is the error came try to resolve it.


If you still problem please let me know.




Re: Admin panel is Grey

Your backend crashes while rendering top menu. It's grey because it just stop where it fails. I'm pretty sure that both var/log/system.log and var/log/exception.log are full of all kind of interesting stuff. Unless you forgot to turn logging on.

Tanel Raja