I'm having a bug on my billboard and wondering if anybody experienced the same. I installed Inferno Theme and my website is www.Blancdivoiredubai.com.
I have created a billboard with 4 rows/images (the landing page 3 boxes showing). All works well except for the 4th image, it never uploads. I chose the image and upload it but after it loads the image doesn't show anything.
Its really frustrating. here is a screenshot: https://prnt.sc/gwsqf2
Does anyone have any advice or tips what might be the issue. Image size was good, and flushed the cache a couple of times.
Thank you,
Hi @asayaf,
Can you check the Magento's system.log and ecxeption.log files? Also take a look at the webserver error log, maybe there's some useful information there too.
Hi Damian,
I'm super new to magento and not sure where to search for that.
Hi @asayaf,
system.log and exception.log are placed on:
But maybe you should get the logs activated first.
Enable Magento's logs
Aftar that param is enabled you'll be able to see content into the log files if something is wrong.