I have turned on the CAPTCHA for the register page on Magento 1.9 Community Edition using FurnitureShop theme.
When I turn it on the CAPTCHA or the text-box for the CAPTCHA don't show up.
When I click register I get an error of 'Incorrect CAPTCHA'
I am getting the same issue and yes problem persists no matter the theme
I am trying to add the standard magento captcha in the review product form, share wishlist and contacts form, I am using Magento
In the site we have a theme called "celebrity" inside app/design/frontend/default/celebrity.
Also we have a local.xml file in app/design/frontend/default/celebrity/layout/local.xml
This is the repo with the code only for the review product form: https://github.com/blovable/captcha
Hope you can help me out here bc I have no idea why the captcha is not displayed.
Thank you!