Hello Community;
I recently discovered that when someone logs into my website and refreshes the page of puts off his system and puts it back on, the person is automatically logged out. How do I make it in such a way that the person keeps logged in until he personally logs out?
Thank You.
I'm not sure I fully understand scenario how to reproduce the issue. Can you just describe it in steps, like step1, step2, step3, actual result / expected result? I'm suspecting on your session cookie lifetime, but I'll need first to understand your issue better.
Thanks. Let me put it like this: How do I make a logged in user to remain logged in until the user specifically logs out? I want the user to remain logged in even after he refreshes the page, puts off his system, etc.
Hope you understand now.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Check if you have turned on and configured properly Cart Persistence. Here you have details how to configure it, it's one minute work.