Hello - Looking for help with Magento Community Ed v1.9.3.9. Site is: christinesmithjewelry.com
I can login to the Dashboard and access all ADMIN functions fine. User to the site can view the site's Main Page and see the Product listing pages. When you try to click thru to the Product detail pages, the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - check cookies message appears. I have cleared cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Safari with no luck.
I can visit the backend of the individual product pages to edit content and images. Cleared all caches in System > Configuration. Any ideas on how to remedy this peculiar situation greatly appreciated!
Please follow below steps once:
Place a new copy of .htaccess from a fresh Magento package and delete the cache and session folder as well. Then refresh and it should be good.
In the “core_config_data” table remove the value of “web/cookie/cookie_domain” and set “web/cookie/cookie_httponly” to “0”. Clear the cache by removing the files in “var/cache”.
Please click on Kudos if it works for you. Cheers Coding
Ok, trying that - two comments...
You mention in this third step below to:
"Edit the rows entitled web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url "
But what values do I give them?
Also you advised clearing the var/cache and var/sessions folders using ftp. I am learning the var folders are only accessible using SSH.
Trying that...
Still doing multiple redirects when user requests to view individual product pages and timing out to fail.
I deleted Cache and Sessions folders, but they quickly refilled.
Other suggestions?
Dave M