Hi, I get Attribute "Available Product Listing Sort By" is required error when I try to save category in another language store (for example, when unchecking "Use default value" and changing the Name of Category for the language I'm interesting for). The "Use default value" are checked for both "Available Product Listing Sort By" and "Default Product Listing Sort By". Please check the image below:Anyway, the category cannot be saved in another language store unless I uncheck the "Use default value" for both. Then the category can be saved and I get the following:
Notice that the "Use default value" for "Default Product Listing Sort By" is now checked again although I unchecked it before saving. Can anybody help me to fix this? (I use Magento CE
This is MegaMenu issue. It rewrites the Magento_Adminhtml_Catalog_Category controller. Just remove this rewrite from MegaMenu config.xml or move this code upper (right before "Use Config Settings" check):
* Check "Use Default Value" checkboxes values
if ($useDefaults = $this->getRequest()->getPost('use_default')) {
foreach ($useDefaults as $attributeCode) {
$category->setData($attributeCode, false);
They moved this check after validation.
Go to -> Display setting and uncheck box 'Available Product Listing sory by' and 'Default product listing sort by' and 'Save category' . Working for me.
Thank you. It worked for me.