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Error sending orderconfirmations from 1.9

Error sending orderconfirmations from 1.9



I have a customer which is on a shared hosting solution. The customer runs Magent 1.9 and are having problems sending order confirmations to customers. I can understand that Magento 1.9 are using cronjob to handle orders/emails. We have had the site running in our test environment with activated. This worked. But on the live shared host Shell access is not allowed. 


I have read some threads regarding a workaround with disabling the email queue if SMTP is working. SMTP pro is installed on the site and is working fine. I have tried to disable the email queue in the template.php, but still no orderemails are sent.


Are there anything i can do to make it work at a shared hosting? And is it complicated to downgrade to 1.7 or 1.8?


