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Manage Category page shows this error

Manage Category page shows this error

I'm facing an issue with the magento backend.

Magento version

When I browse to Catalog>>Manage categories and click the manage categories link....

I'm getting this error.

Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 12.11.28 PM.png


Can you suggest how to sort out this issue?


- Arnab


Re: Manage Category page shows this error

 Hi @blservices,


It seems that you removed a custom extension from your store (or one class from the custom extension).


There are 2 ways of resolving this:

  • Restore the missing code
  • Remove the source model from your database

Please investigate what happened with that custom extension.

Best regards.

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Re: Manage Category page shows this error

Or more likely you removed an extension, but didn't remove the attributes it added.

Tanel Raja