Hi Guys,
Im new in using magento. I looked for solutions on how to transfer magento from one domain to another and I was successful in doing that. When I get in the admin area, all the products are still there, (enabled, in stock, ...etc) everything the same from the old site but when I visit the home page, the products are not showing. Even if I try to edit the individual product, when I try to preview it, its not showing also.
Any ideas on what I did wrong? I tried different solutions from forums but it seems not to work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
What happens when you go to a product page URL. Do you get a web server error or a Magento 404 page?
Hmm, that sounds like an error if the product page loads with nothing in the main content .Is the footer shown? Do you have logging enabled? Is there anything in the magento or PHP logs?
Yes footer still displays. What do you mean logging enabled? Also every
setting is still the same from the main website where i got the files and db. It just says "No Deals!" and all the categories have (0) items in them. But in my admin area, all products have their categories
Hi @jeff_nats,
@Tom Robertshaw was talking about the Magento logs. You can enable here Enable Magento's logs
After that you will be able to find these files (system.log and exception.log) into /path/to/your/magento/instance/var/log
Thanks @Damian Culotta . Its fixed now but the real issue is the licensing of the extension that is being used. Thats why whatever solution that Ive been using its not working
But everything is good now. Thanks