Hi, I've been struggling with a Magento 1.9 and Oauth 1.0
I have successfully used requests_oauthlib to create OAuth1Session and OAuth1 objects and can call these using GET:
But, when I call the following:
data = {
u'date_prescription_ob_expires': u'2017-12-02 00:00:00',
u'prescription_ob_approved_bool': '1'
jd = json.dumps(data)
HEADER = {'Content-Type':'application/json'}
result = requests.put(url, auth=oauthOne, headers=HEADER, data=jd)
I get the error:
Server can not understand Content-Type HTTP header media type "1"
I've been going down the rabbit hole on this for a week or so without any luck so any help or guidance is appreciated.