Sporadically, when cleaning cache (System -> Cache Management -> select one or all to refresh -> Submit), I receive an error: "Error cleaning cache by mode matcingAnyTag: read error on connection".
Trying to track down where the error is thrown, I found:
Zend_Cache::throwException('Error cleaning cache by mode '.$mode.': '.$e->getMessage(), $e);
~ on line 655 of lib/Cm/Cache/Backend/Redis.php.
I have found limited information on this issue searching. What I have found has told me to look at some settings:
redis.conf: timeout 0 - what it should be (?)
ulimit -n 1024
php.ini: default_socket_timeout 600 - believe that -1 is unlimited.
Most of this is based on https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues/70..