Hello guys 
I use magento 1.7 and i´m trying to update my sitemap (that was generate in 2014) but i´m having a problem in it.
I use : Catalog > Google sitemap and them i choose destination patch and sitemap name. No problem, the module generates sitemap.xml .
But when i access my sitemap file i have the following error : Sitemap Syntax Error .
I checked some articles in some foruns but i can´t solve this problem. I some of them, they say that this is a error in url rewrites in magento 1.7 .
The "solution" was truncate the table core_url_rewrite and them reindex all urls by admin, and then try to create the sitemap again.
I did this in a localhost but I continue to get the : Sitemap syntax error.
Anyone has any idea of what is going on ?
Really thanks guys.