Hello Forum Members,
I am facing a terrible issue while developing an ecommerce store for my client. I am describing below the issue which I am facing with the table rate shipping. I shall request all forum members to kindly help me to solve the issue.
I have given weight as 100 gram in one of my product to test the table rate shipping system. Now I found that everything is working fine and the table rate shipping is working but after sometime I got a terrible issue. I found that when my cart value is less than INR 500, the table rate shipping works fine but when I increases my cart value the table rate shipping shows INR 0.
Also please note that I am using Weight vs Destination for my table rate shipping method.
For more clarification you can please try out the following steps:
1) Go to http://www.angeldigital.co.in/aajker-nayak.html
2) Now select any option from the given three custom option and hit Add to Cart
3) Now in cart page kindly scroll down to "ESTIMATE SHIPPING AND TAX" and select United States as country, North Carolina as State/Province , North Carolina as City and 28031 as Pincode
4) Now hit Get A Quote and you can see that Shipping Rate is showing as Flat Rate ₹50.00
5) Now if you update the quantity to 2, you can find that shipping rate increased and working fine
6) Now again update the quantity to 3, now you can see that shipping rate is showing as Rs. 0
This means that table rate shipping is not working when the cart value is crossing Rs. 499.9999
I tested by adding an product having price Rs. 499 and table rate was working fine.
I searched out many forums and all but could not come up with any solution. Now I am posting this request to my Magento Forum Friends to kindly help me and guide me how I can solve this issue.
I shall look forward for your help and in the mean time surfing the magento forum if I get any clue on this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Hello to Magento Gurus out there.
I am having the same issue with Magento and in my case, when the order quantity exceeds 19, the shipping cost becomes zero.
I am new to Magento and have tried few variations but shipping cost is not being calculated properly.
This seems to be the case with all currencies. When order price exceeds 500, the shipping cost will show as 0. Is anyone working with this bug correction?
Hello friends, Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? Spent over 24hours on this until i came across this post. i am running Magento ver.
Pheew! Problem Solved.
The problem with this is the settings inherited from the sample data. Its actually a promotion rule that applies free shipping on orders above $500.
To fix this: Promotions > Shopping Cart Price Rules
Thank you for this! I struggled for hours to figure this out.