This is my first post and I am also a magento newbie so I hope I'm using proper forum.
First some background - I got to manage this magento store from co-worker, but initially it was setup by an outside company which is not very helpful. So at the moment I'm still trying to figure out who did what. I hope for this community to help me resolve some problems I found while inspecting magento site. I have some experiance with joomla, but none with magento.
1. I can't update extension packages. I get 'Your Magento folder does not have sufficient write permissions, which downloader requires.' error. After checking permissions I found out all files/folders are 777, but when I start update, maintenance.flag and connect.cfg get 666 and different owner (apache). Server administrator explained that all files have their own owner, different from apache.
Joomla can use ftp update in such case, does this also work in magento? Or should server administrator change something on his side?
2. I tried to enable google analytics, but I get no results. Then I used google tag inspector and it showed me unknown ID? I have proper ID setup in configuration/Google API, so I have no idea where this other ID came from.