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Website is live but hidden?

Website is live but hidden?



I am currently using the SM Parna theme. My website is live and running but it seems it is hidden. If I were to search my company name on Google, it does not show up; it only shows up on Google if I were to input it's URL. In my case, my website's link is but if I were to search 'kona stained glass' it brings up another website (my other website that I don't use anymore). It seems that my website is live but does not seem to show up on Google, is there a way so that is shows up?





Re: Website is live but hidden?


Re: Website is live but hidden?

Didn't realize I was logged into another account. Anyways, I have also set it so robots is INDEX,FOLLOW. I also noticed that if I were to type my website's URL into Google, the title would show up as 'SM Parna' rather than the website's title. Any way to fix this?

