During the creation and deletion of some of the attributes in the past, I accidentally deleted the attribute weight. Now I want to fix this by creating the attribute again but I get the error The attribute code 'weight' is reserved by the system. Try another attribute code.
A backup restore is not an option because it's been some time since I've removed it. But now i want to use weight for shipping again so I need this.
How can I fix this
Magento backend wouldn't allow you to delete weight. How did you delete it?
If you used software like phpMyAdmin and deleted data directly from database - then you should use the same way to restore data. In this case you could use a newly installed Magento store for reference and manually add missing data to original database.
Please clarify, how did you delete weight?
I really do not know how I did it. But I have now rebuilt the entire website sot the problem is solved.
Thanks for your comment