Hi all,
My indexer.php ran fine this morning, but after clearing the product DB down and re-importing (something we have been doing very frequently for months as we're testing the platform), we are having odd results on some of the index types/names:
[root@svr-h000239 /]# php /ssddata/www/shop.domain.co.uk/shell/indexer.php --reindexall
Stock Status index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog product price index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Category URL Rewrites index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Product URL Rewrites index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
URL Redirects index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
Catalog Category/Product Index index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
{{{Catalog Search Index}}{{Catalog Search Index}}{{Catalog Search Index}}{{Mage_CatalogSearch}}} index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
{{{Tag Aggregation Data}}{{Tag Aggregation Data}}{{Tag Aggregation Data}}{{Mage_Tag}}} index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:00
{{{Product Attributes}}{{Product Attributes}}{{Product Attributes}}{{Mage_Catalog}}} index was rebuilt successfully in 00:00:11
[root@svr-h000239 /]#
There are a number of us working on this project so it's hard to nail down what we may have done to cause this, so I was wondering if there is a common cause which someone may be able to point out for us?
Thank you!
Best Regards,