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CMS page does not show after migration

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CMS page does not show after migration


On old version on magento project I had cms-page (list of links in top-bar). After migration to new clean enviroment links disapped, mayby becouse the database havent been imported but ok I have changed the access details to database in local.xml. I would like to add that I have copied all app/ect folder this also has been putted streight in to new setup.


I tryed even set up new cms page with diffrent id but it does not show up as well.  I also have set permission to 777 for all project but that is not the reason i guess. 

Please help me out Smiley Happy



Re: CMS page does not show after migration

Hi @Tom 


Can you please check logs in magento environment also do check server log as well.

and set magento mode to developer so that you can get the error 


Hope it hepls.

Re: CMS page does not show after migration

Hi Tomasz

I wonder if you chose Magento migration tool to upgrade your site. If you do, then you should know that it is possible to exclude CMS page from migration using Magento tool. So I think by some mistakes, in your map.xml fileit has automatically add the table cms_page under the source_document_rules Tag


Go check it again if it happened that way.

In case things went totally wrong and that your database haven't been imported, may I suggest you an database direct migration solution. It helps you directly move data in Database from your old site to your target one, with no third party or another work involved. Take your time to try those 2 solutions, I'm sure they will get your problem resolved quickly.


Glad to help
