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Can two blocks/modules share the same product page tab?

Can two blocks/modules share the same product page tab?

We are moving to RWD Awesome theme which has tabs on the product page (additional info, reviews etc). We are using "who bought this also bought" and "who viewed this also viewed" modules from aheadworks. I can get these modules to show up as their own tabs on the product page like this:


<!--adding also viewed as a tab-->

<action method="addTab" translate="title"><alias>aw_alsoviewed_tab_list</alias><title>Also viewed</title>

<!--adding also bought as a tab-->

<action method="addTab" translate="title"><alias>aw_related_tab_list</alias><title>Who bought also bought</title>


However we would like to show all the upsell, related, also bought lists on a single tab. Can two modules share the same tab on a product page? I tried calling both blocks within the same "AddTab" method which just gave a white screen of death. Then I tried calling them seperately, but with a shared  alias and title. This just added the first block twice in the same tab despite there being two seperate blocks. Any ideas how I could get these blocks to share a tab?


Thanks for any help.


Re: Can two blocks/modules share the same product page tab?

You need to significantly modify tabs code or create an accumulating block where all the blocks to show in a single tab should be placed.


It may be a simple block with a template that displays $this->getChildHtml() – blocks were added as children using layout, or more complicated structure with observer – there are plenty of ways to do that.


In any case, try to implement as few edits as possible.


Additionally, you can contact the developers of these extensions. They may give you useful solutions or complete this work.

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