Hi, I'm using Magento 1.X . One of my client is asking for change in the look of teh checkout as per a reference site. I just need to know that can I change the look of the checkout by using custom HTML and jQuery? If yes then I can do it. I only need to know that it is possible or not to use custom JS,JQuery and HTML in checkout page.
Will it create any issue later?
Attached is the screenshot of the required and existing checkout
Please helpExisting Checkout look
Required checkout look
I think the fastest way to do this, is to use(buy) a "onestepcheckout" module and then customizing this, by moving the relevant html blocks around to your needs and lots of styling.
Possible - yes
Time use - a lot
I looked into your requirement and I want you to know that it is possible to change the layout, block positions using CSS and JS. CSS and JS are good options for smaller changes in the store.
I have a better solution for you which you can consider, try using one-page checkout which offers multi-column design for your checkout page. You can customize it further according to your requirement. It will not require any coding and you will get the desired output.
You will save a lot of time and effort.
I completely agree, one-page checkout modules offer Multi-column layout designs, one can choose accordingly and also allows more customization in the layout designs. We also develop one-page checkout module which offers similar functionalities.
For more information kindly contact us.
One page checkout with 1500+ Downloads, Multi-Vendor Marketplace with 1000+ downloads only at www.Knowband.com, Contact us: support@knowband.com