Is there a way to hide on front page the "My Account" button (link ../customer/account) when users are not logged in?
Currently this button and "Login" Button (../customer/account/login) redirect on the same page when not logged in.
Thank you,
Hello @magentodeb ,
Please refer the following link https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/245446/remove-my-account-top-bar-when-user-is-not-logged...
Hope this help you to solve you problem.
If this helps you, please accept it as solution and give kudos.
Thank you for your answer.
I've found my ultimo theme header.phtml file, ut I'm not sure where to include the condition; code looks like this :
<?php if (!empty($accountLinksHtml)): ?> <a href="#header-account" class="skip-link skip-account"> <span class="icon ic ic-user"></span> <span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('My Account'); ?></span> </a> <?php endif; ?>
Thank you,
Hello @magentodeb
Please use it as below:
<?php if (!empty($accountLinksHtml)): ?> <div data-bind="scope: 'customer'"> <!-- ko if: customer().firstname --> <a href="#header-account" class="skip-link skip-account"> <span class="icon ic ic-user"></span> <span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('My Account'); ?></span> </a> <!-- /ko --> <script type="text/x-magento-init"> { "*": { "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": { "components": { "customer": { "component": "Magento_Customer/js/view/customer" } } } } } </script> </div> <?php endif; ?>
If this helps you please accept it as solution and give kudos.
Thank you, but unfortunately it didn't work; same behaviour with the modification than before.