The theme is Ultimo.
I'd need to change to title of a tab in product page template.
Where should I find that template? It seems it is not changeble that title from the admin panel.
Thanks to all
Depends on the theme. Most theme tabs are named in the local.xml or catalog.xmlI believe.
If you want simple just use the jquery snippet below. Its specifically for Ultimo. Had a client that needed tabs renamed only on specific products.
jQuery('#tab-additional > a').text(function(i, oldText) {
return oldText === 'Additional Info' ? 'New Name Here' : oldText;
On mobile Ultimo changes the tab class so you want to use
jQuery('#acctab-additional').text(function(i, oldText) {
return oldText === 'Additional Info' ? 'New Name Here' : oldText;
Thanks a lot.
Where should I insert those jquery?