Hi, I just need to remove the words 'Product Description' from the tab on the product page of my site. I'm using the Modern theme on
Using template path hints you can easily find your template path files.
Login to admin pannel and under
- System -> Configuration
- Change the “Configuration Scope” to “Default Store View” (or whichever store view you want to see template paths on)
- Under Advanced in the left menu click Developer
- Click “Debug” to expand that section
- Change “Template Path Hints” to "Yes"
- Click Save Configuration
Now to refresh the front-end and see all the locations of the template files so you can easily modify the correct ones.
Hope it will helps you.
In the Modern theme tabs are usually added via the layout.
The file - app/design/frontend/default/modern/layout/catalog.xml line 209
You can make all changes right in the layout and alter the title of the tab you need to edit. If you want to leave the title 'empty', you can do it the following way: https://www.gyazo.com/9e854bb52274ef3392b0aa78f9945e15
It will look like this on the frontend: