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Flush Swatch Images Cache Button is missing

Flush Swatch Images Cache Button is missing

If possible, please help me with a problem related with the configurable swatches: the Flush Swatch Images Cache button is missing from Additional Cache Management Section. I've upgraded Magento from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1 and I use Utlimo Theme, also uprgraded from 1.10.3 to 1.13.0 (version prepared for Magento 1.9.1). It seems to be a magento related problem.

Waiting with interest for your answers.

Thank you!


Re: Flush Swatch Images Cache Button is missing




Please check the consol if it displays any error or not? Also check the system.log and exception.log file, if any error is generated or not. You can get to know what is the error and you can fix it.

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