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Magento dont show new product images in backend

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Magento dont show new product images in backend



After upgrading magento to latest versión, finally all works fine but when we want to add a image to a product, the image loads correctly in the server and show message in Magento "Complete" but in the admin dont appear the image. Here are some screenshots of the results when adding the image:


Spectacle.B15809.png Spectacle.m15809.png




Re: Magento dont show new product images in backend

There might be problem of below one,

1. Check flash player is properly installed or not, Might be create issue regarding to flash player.

2. Did you check given media folder with root permission or not.

3. Check at  lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php file around line 541,

if (!(@is_dir($destinationFolder) || @mkdir($destinationFolder, 0777, true))) 
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Re: Magento dont show new product images in backend

Hi Rakesh.


Flash is active in the browser for the domain, and i think in Magento there is not neccesary, use a js library to upload images.

Permissions in folder and his subfolders are 777.

The Line 541 in the Uploader.php file is ok.


I think is an error of refreshing the grid or in assign the new image to the product. The image loads ok to the magento media folder in the server but dont show the image to select then in Product -> Images grid.



Re: Magento dont show new product images in backend



We are still investigating this error, now we install a new magento, with the theme and default modules and the error is the same. The image uplaod to the server but in the backend dont show this images. Here some screenshoots:


Spectacle.i18533.png Spectacle.l18533.png Spectacle.D18533.png

Somebody have the same issue? Thanks.

Re: Magento dont show new product images in backend

 flash player is properly installed or not, did you check given media folder with root permission or not (777), check the uploaded file. The same problem with me, I am changing the permission media folder after that work properly.