I am new to Magento, but not to web development. I had no problem using SSH and the SH command to update the latest SUPEE-7405 patch today. However, I am sincerely stumped in trying to figure out how to update from to First of all, I understand that this updated patch is the only thing that this point release contains, if I'm not mistaken, so I didn't really understand why updating this patch didn't update my version number. But secondly, am I reading correctly that I have to completely reinstall Magento and migrate to a brand new SQL database, new hosting location, and copy all of my customizations over for every single point release? Surely that is not right. Please help this newbie out!
You just need to apply the code over your code (assuming you did not edit core files). This is easily done using a version control system. You do not need to get a new SQL db, or a new hosting location.
If you applied the latest patch, I wouldn't worry about going over to especially if you are not running PHP 5.3 (which is what this fixed).
For version 1.9, maybe https://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/magento-to-magento-migration-tool.html is good to upgrade magento to magento with little technical knowledge
Сделайте обновление следующим образом:
После обновления введите команду в папке docs через SSH: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
Через FTP удалите файл maintenance.flag в папке docs;
В папке docs в файле .htaccess удалите строки:
## TRACE and TRACK HTTP methods disabled to prevent XSS attacks
RewriteRule .* - [L,R=405]