Downgrade is perhaps not good new. Why don't you upgrade to magento 2.0. Maybe it can solve your problem.
I am also considering moving to version 2, but not sure if I might run into other issues. Like you mentioned, there is not as many extensions and support available, but I'm sure that will change soon. I'll try a demo install and see how it goes. If all goes well, I think we can just as well move over. Thank you for your feedback!
Look for it in persistent. That may be where the theme used it.
app/design/frontend/default/{theme name}/template/persistent/customer/form
will I have to upgrade to 1.9 to be able to upgrade to Magento 2.0?
I am using I presume that all of the files have already been corrected to fix the new user problem. I cannot get a new user working as it should. Yes I have cleared cache sessions and re indexed. This is a major essential problem that Magento does not seem to care about.
yeah I did upgrade from m connect.
Here is the error I get after I uncomment show errors in store/index.php
Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template' not found in /ho************lic_html/ on line 1357