When a customer tries to log in multiples times and every try hits ( more than 5 time) wrong Than I want to get notification alert of his name due to security reason in Magento admin email.....How do I this, Help me
There is configuration in admin to choose how many failed login attemps from a customer should lock their account (http://docs.magento.com/m2/ce/user_guide/configuration/customers/customer-configuration.html). You can edit the number of tries if you are unhappy with it.
Once they're logged out, I would imagine you'd need to find their customer account in admin and unlock the
But how could Admin get a notification Alert message, if customer or unknown person can try more than limit.
This is the function the checks for and applies a lockout after a maximum amount of tries, so you could modify this to do what you're looking for: https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.2-develop/app/code/Magento/Customer/Model/Authentication....
This function is called on the frontend but you could trigger an email to be sent to the admin perhaps.