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Admin Panel not take translation

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Admin Panel not take translation

Magento Version 2.0.4
I've done all steps to create a language pack.
1. I downloaded the package in Spanish (CSV file).
2. Created the directories app / i18n / mypack / es_es
3. Created the composer.json, registration.php and language.xml files.
4. I have created a link between the directory i18n / mypack / en_us / es_ES.csv  and vendor/ magento / language-es_es/es_ES.csv
5. I have run the required commands:
find . -name js-translation.json -exec rm -rf {} \;
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy es_ES
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush
Frontend translation work ok, but admin panel not take translation.
What I can do to translate the administration panel?
Am I doing something wrong?
P.D.: The file es_ES.csv contains the phrases of module Magento backend (of course).

Re: Admin Panel not take translation

How to switch the backend's locale:

Re: Admin Panel not take translation

Thank you very much. It works.