Magento 2.3.2 seems to have something new with Bulk Actions but it doesn't do anything and I just get this error on the top of all my admin pages. It looks like stuff is in the queue but it never processes. How to I get this to work, delete the queue or turn it off completely ?
Hi @mousepad
You need to set proper cron jobs to work it correctly.
I would suggest as of now run below command from the SSH command line :
php bin/magento cron:run
It will complete all your queues and this notification will disappear - later you can schedule cron on your server config directly so it runs automatically.
Hope it helps !
Crons are all setup and running correctly. Does not fix the issue
Hi @mousepad
Its not resolved by running the command which i have given to you ?
php bin/magento cron:run
Have you been able to resolve this? I am having the same issue.
I found this:
And following the issue on github: ( ) it appears the issue was effectively closed as "not the right solution" but no actual solution provided (only an example which applies if you are writing your own bulk actions)
The same thing happened to me on 2.3.2. If you are running on Magento Cloud, the support team was able to provide a solution that got them back running for me:
Please update .magento.env.yaml and add these lines (see
deploy: CRON_CONSUMERS_RUNNER: cron_run: true max_messages: 1000 consumers: []
Then commit the changes and redeploy.
Sounds like it may be related to the RabbitMQ Message Queues, can follow this for non Magento Cloud environments:
Hi @mousepad ,
You can run the following command in terminal in order to process the queue.
php bin/magento queue:consumers:start product_action_attribute.update --max-messages=20
Let me know if that helps.
@yash7690 I originally had many items stuck in my queue on my staging environment. So I manually ran the cron and it cleared all the items but one:
Action Details - #b8aa1c9a-1468-4104-97e0-643ba262f0c5 Description of Operation Update attributes for 52 selected products Summary Pending, in queue... Start Time 11/19/2019 10:36:00 PM
Therefore, I tried running the command
php bin/magento queue:consumers:start product_action_attribute.update --max-messages=20
However, that command hangs. There are no events in the exception.log or system.log.
Thanks - David
Add "magento/module-amqp"; "*" under your replace section in composer.json and update composer.
Amqp is removed and the issue is resolved (in my case).