I am trying to create two users (in Magento 2.1) by import. the users have to be added to multiple groups. The users are also responsible for ordering products for different organizations, so must have multiple shipping addresses in their account ready to go.
I was able to import the first user, and she has the 40-odd addresses ready to go, and I coudl add her to multiple groups. But now for on the second one, I cannot add her to any groups. Every time I try, I encounter the error message "Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page."
The only difference between this user and the other user I successfully created via import are personal details. I am stumped.
We are allowing up to 100 multiple addresses, so that should not be a constraining factor. Plus, as I said before, it worked for another user.
Any ideas you have would be most welcome. Thank you.
Can you add csv here? Also, Magento doesn't support multiple groups for the customer.
CSV should be attached.... EDIT ok, I guess that doesn't work?
here: https://github.com/beardsley64/magentostuff/blob/master/generic-composite.csv
We have staff create customer accounts which they use to ship materials to different locations. So they are employees, but also customers.
We have a multi-select multiple group selector. I guess I didn't know enough about stock Magento to know that was not standard. Maybe if I can find out what that field name is, I can add it to the CSV...
Thanks for your reply.