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Change Sender Emailadrress for order confirmations

Change Sender Emailadrress for order confirmations

Hey guys,


I was wondering if anyone could help with this. I have a Magento 2 webshop. When a customer places an order he'll receive an email with the order confirmation and an invoice, which is perfect. The sender address of that email is set up in the store-configuration and connected to the representative emailaddress which is set-up in general configuration.


I would like to change that emailaddress to a noreply address. Every single time that I try to change that address by change it the configuration settings, the customer does not receive the order confirmation anymore. Is there a better way to change this?


Re: Change Sender Emailadrress for order confirmations

Hi @sprosmansp8a6f,

Kindly check in your mail SMTP configurations all the keys, port number are entered in your gmail or anyother mail stream. 

Best regards
Magento Modules Company